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Securing Foundations at Year 7
24/25 Applications closed
Applications for 24/25 are now closed. However, if you are interested in attending a future group, please join our waiting list. The purpose of this project is to give secondary maths teachers the necessary expertise to support students with gaps in understanding content from previous Key Stages

Time & Location
24/25 Applications closed
About the Event
Open - Securing Foundations at Year 7 (NCP24-18) for 2024-25 (September 2024 start)
Before completing the application form, please read the following information in relation to expectations for participating in the New Securing Foundations at Year 7 (NCP24-18)programme:
Schools chosen to participate in the Work Group commit to the following expectations:
- The intended participants for this project are teachers working with those Year 7 students who have not met age related expectations in maths, particularly students whose attainment is in the bottom 20-30% of the national cohort at the end of KS2.
- The project is suitable for all maths teachers who are interested in developing their teaching practice to support students in securing the foundations of mathematical understanding. We encourage two maths teachers from each school to register for the programme and participate in workshop sessions.
- The NCETM resources are designed to support teachers and focus on the foundations of mathematical understanding. Each set of resources has a different focus, adapting the most relevant parts of the support available for KS2 teachers so that they build on students’ prior knowledge and prepare them for their study in KS3. The resources will comprise both classroom-facing slides and teacher guidance. Participants who actively engage with the teacher guidance and supporting materials will benefit most. Teachers are encouraged to generalise the pedagogical strategies they explore as part of this project, and embed them in their practice more widely, to meet the needs of all students.
- Participants should engage with the supporting video material, attend six central online events, and attend three regional (face-to-face or online) cohort events. They will also engage with the online community.
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