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The projects that we run in secondary schools develop mastery teaching. In addition, we also support schools and colleges to address the immediate challenge of teaching the 9-1 GCSE.

- 14th January 2025Dorothy Stringer School , Loder Rd, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 6PZ, UKThis is now open for bookings This programme aims to offer high quality maths support and challenge for Early Career Teachers. s – teachers in their first or second year of teaching. The Work Group consists of 5 sessions and participants must attend all sessions - please see dates below
- Launches Wednesday, 4th December 2024Worthing, Sanditon Way, Worthing BN14 9FD, UKThis Work Group consists of 3 full day sessions at Worthing College (see dates below). For teachers whose students will study Level 2 Maths across secondary and post-16 to develop ways to support students who need to study maths beyond age 16 to achieve a L2 qualification.
- Launches Thursday, 24th October 2024Online (launch)Online launch followed by 3 day f2f sessions The purpose of this project is to offer focused support to secondary heads of department/subject leaders, to enable them to better understand and implement teaching for mastery approaches across their department, and to develop in their role as leaders.
- 24/25 Applications closedOnlineApplications for 24/25 are now closed. However, if you are interested in attending a future group, please join our waiting list. The purpose of this project is to give secondary maths teachers the necessary expertise to support students with gaps in understanding content from previous Key Stages
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